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Asset Submission Time Related Issue

Abhinav Ajmera (22113020) | asked Sep 01 '10, 6:15 a.m.
Below is the data I have collected while running batch upload (each asset approximately have 2 to 5 MB of physical file)

1 to 8 Assets : 1 minute
9 to 12 Assets : 1-3 minutes

15 or more Assets : Its taking lot of time and getting hanged, even after 5-10 hours program is continuously running (with no result in console). But at the same time I can see all asset in RAM along with physical file. But seeing the console it looks like that the process is still going on.

Can you suggest, what may be the problem here?

PS : When I say 15 or more asset, the same asset get submitted within 3 min only, if i try submitting 5 assets 3 times.

2 answers

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Kevin Bauer (34621) | answered Sep 01 '10, 9:39 a.m.
Can you tell us more about the Topogy of your batch update client and your RAM Server? For example are you running an app client as a Web Application in the same web server as RAM?

Below is the data I have collected while running batch upload (each asset approximately have 2 to 5 MB of physical file)

1 to 8 Assets : 1 minute
9 to 12 Assets : 1-3 minutes

15 or more Assets : Its taking lot of time and getting hanged, even after 5-10 hours program is continuously running (with no result in console). But at the same time I can see all asset in RAM along with physical file. But seeing the console it looks like that the process is still going on.

Can you suggest, what may be the problem here?

PS : When I say 15 or more asset, the same asset get submitted within 3 min only, if i try submitting 5 assets 3 times.

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Abhinav Ajmera (22113020) | answered Sep 01 '10, 9:52 a.m.
I have tried it with three ways:

1) Using eclipse plug-in for batch upload. Eclipse and RAM Server running in different machine.

2) Using Web Client : Remote user submit asset > Batch upload server and RAM server both in same machine, but different server (tomcat / was)

3) Using Web Client : Remote user submit asset > Batch upload server and RAM server both in same machine, and same server (was)

Got the Same result by all above ways.

Can you tell us more about the Topogy of your batch update client and your RAM Server? For example are you running an app client as a Web Application in the same web server as RAM?

Below is the data I have collected while running batch upload (each asset approximately have 2 to 5 MB of physical file)

1 to 8 Assets : 1 minute
9 to 12 Assets : 1-3 minutes

15 or more Assets : Its taking lot of time and getting hanged, even after 5-10 hours program is continuously running (with no result in console). But at the same time I can see all asset in RAM along with physical file. But seeing the console it looks like that the process is still going on.

Can you suggest, what may be the problem here?

PS : When I say 15 or more asset, the same asset get submitted within 3 min only, if i try submitting 5 assets 3 times.

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