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RTC (OSCL) Service - Does it support paging?

Pietro Mazzoleni (461110) | asked Sep 16 '11, 4:08 p.m.
Hi All,
I'm fetching Workitems information using RTC Rest (OSCL) service.
Everything is fine with the exception that I can only retrieve the first 1000 WIs.

From this post:
I learned this depends on "Feed Query Maximum Entries" configuration at the server.

Unfortunately, I cannot change such configuration at the server.
Is there anything else I can do?
Does RTC (OSLC) Services support any kind of paging?

Thanks for the answer.

I'm looking for a solution for both RTC2.0 and RTC 3.0.

2 answers

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Debdoot Mukherjee (512118) | answered Sep 19 '11, 12:16 p.m.

I am also stuck with the same problem. Can anyone provide a fix for this?

Thanks for your help,


Hi All,
I'm fetching Workitems information using RTC Rest (OSCL) service.
Everything is fine with the exception that I can only retrieve the first 1000 WIs.

From this post:
I learned this depends on "Feed Query Maximum Entries" configuration at the server.

Unfortunately, I cannot change such configuration at the server.
Is there anything else I can do?
Does RTC (OSLC) Services support any kind of paging?

Thanks for the answer.

I'm looking for a solution for both RTC2.0 and RTC 3.0.

permanent link
Pietro Mazzoleni (461110) | answered Sep 26 '11, 4:41 p.m.
Hi All,
Does any of you have some suggestions on this? I'm really stuck.

In other words, how can I mass download all workitems associated to a project using a (possibly OSLC) service (without changing RTC 1000 limit cap for Service feed)?


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