Does the RTC 3.0.1 client support Sametime 8.5.x?
I checked for plug-in updates and only found four.
Jazz Collaboration
Sametime 7.5.1 MQTT Client v2.0.0.6 Hotfix
Sametime 8.0 JWRZ-7ETP5W Hotfix
Sametime 8.0.1 JWRZ-7ETP5W Hotfix
Is someone working on a hotfix for Sametime 8.5.x?
Accepted answer
1. edit the file "plugin_customization.ini" in Sametime install directory\rcp to have this:
2. When installing the plugin from Sametime check only Jazz Collaboration and un-check the rest i.e. ST 7.5.1/ST 8.0/ ST 8.0.1
Thanks Dzung. I was also able to use Sametime Connect 8.5.2 standalone with the RTC client, but I don't seem to be able to get the embedded (in Lotus Notes 8.5.x) Sametime Connect 8.5.2 to work, even after modifying plugin_customization.ini. Do you have any experience with that configuration? I would like to avoid having to run another Sametime client on the side.
- Paul
In fact I had removed my standalone ST 8.5.1 and used the embedded ST 8.5.1 within Notes successfully. I did as below ...
1. update "plugin_customization.ini" as before. It should be found in Notes directory/framework/rcp
2. install plugin for embedded ST: From Notes click on File->Application->Install then follow as before. If you do not have "Install" option in Notes you need to turn it on by checking in the same "plugin_customization.ini" for this property:
9 other answers
The Information Center topic at URL refers to the new property name in plugin_customization.ini but I couldn't find the supporting Sametime plug-in update.
I checked for plug-in updates and only found four.
Jazz Collaboration
Sametime 7.5.1 MQTT Client v2.0.0.6 Hotfix
Sametime 8.0 JWRZ-7ETP5W Hotfix
Sametime 8.0.1 JWRZ-7ETP5W Hotfix
Is someone working on a hotfix for Sametime 8.5.x?
I was in the process of testing this myself. Did you get any information about SameTime 8.5.x support with RTC? I am using and have the same problem as you describe.
/BR Peter
The Jazz collaboration tools provide support for synchronous collaboration using the IBM Lotus Sametime Connect 7.5.1, 8.0.x application. You can start peer chats and multi-user chats with several participants.
and then says
Before you begin
You must have IBM Lotus Sametime Connect 7.5.1, 8.0.x, or 8.5.x installed on your local computer.
It's not clear yet whether the client works with Sametime Connect 8.5.x.
I tried "Jazz Collaboration" and it worked with my SameTime 8.5.1. So it works :)
Not very clear in the documentation :(
Hi Peter, I haven't seen a reply yet. I just noticed a contradiction in the Information Center topic. It starts with
The Jazz collaboration tools provide support for synchronous collaboration using the IBM Lotus Sametime Connect 7.5.1, 8.0.x application. You can start peer chats and multi-user chats with several participants.
and then says
Before you begin
You must have IBM Lotus Sametime Connect 7.5.1, 8.0.x, or 8.5.x installed on your local computer.
It's not clear yet whether the client works with Sametime Connect 8.5.x.
- I selected "Jazz Collaboration" from the search results when I was configuring Sametime.
- I didn't know what to do for the steps for "Configure Sametime with your Jazz repository connection", as I did not find a "Jazz" category in Sametime below File > Preferences.
- Configuring RTC for Instant Messaging only showed Service Providers for "Sametime v7.5.1 / Notes 8" and "Sametime v8 / Notes 8.0.1".
Does anyone have the correct steps for getting these 2 versions to talk to each other? Thanks!
I am trying to install Sametime (Jabber being another option) so teams can use it on client project: some of them have sametime (IBMers) others don't and will need to install it I guess.
I am trying to make it work on my machine and struggle to understand how it works. If you know more or have done it before, can you please advise?
- I have Lotus Sametime 8.5 on my laptop - is that supported?
- Do they need to have a domino server setup on their app server? If yes, do they need to pay for it of is it provided as an integration with RTC?
- The instructions mention a sametime plugin install (step 1.e) I don't seem to have a sametime folder anywhere in my local installation and can't access the app server folders anyway...
- Obviously the connection from the client doesn't work and flag me an errr: ""...
Any ideas?
Many thanks
- Edit /opt/IBM/lotus/Sametime/rcp/plugin_customization.ini and change the line "" to ""
- Restart Sametime
- In RTC go to Windows --> Preferences --> Instant Messaging
- Add an IM account using the Sametime 8/Notes 8.0.1 provide
After these steps the integration with Sametime seems to work nicely
Paul Sims
Apr 04 '13, 1:22 p.m.In file <Notes directory>\framework\rcp\plugin_customization.ini I changed
and voila! Sametime presence started working in RTC.
Why didn't I notice this subtle difference between standalone and embedded Sametime before?
A better question is, "Do they have to be different?"
- Paul