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How to better search timeline or team area when creating work item query

Ajay Tamboli (1316) | asked Aug 17 '20, 10:30 a.m.

 Hello All, 

Whenever creating a work item query, we often face challenge when looking for the team area or the timeline since they are not sorted alphabetically. There is also no provision for a search box. 

Has anyone faced similar challenge and if yes how do you overcome the challenge?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 17 '20, 10:54 a.m.

This is in the WebUI?   If so, when I am creating a work item query, and adding a "Team Area" query term, the team areas appear in a hierarchical list, and each level of the hierarchy is alphabetically sorted.   Is that what you are seeing?  But I agree a search bar would be nice to have here ... that would be an RFE.

For the "timeline", I wasn't aware there is a "timeline" valued attribute.   Or did you mean iteration?   If so, when I add a  "Planned For" attribute, I do get a search bar.

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