Can RTC co-exist with Requirement Composer?

RTC and Requirement Composer seem share the same ..\SDP70Shared\ directory. Is there conflict if RTC (RC5) and Requirement Composer (Beta 1) are installed on the same machine? I'm wondering whether some files in the ..\SDP70Shared\ directory are updated by one installation but not compatible with the other. Thanks.
15 answers

I have not tried RTC and Requirements Composer beta on the same machine yet, but these tools cannot use the same Jazz Team Server. They are built on different versions of the server and schemas.
And how RTC connect to RRC? How can i create requirement and associate it, for example, with work item?

RTC and Requirement Composer seem share the same ..\SDP70Shared\ directory. Is there conflict if RTC (RC5) and Requirement Composer (Beta 1) are installed on the same machine? I'm wondering whether some files in the ..\SDP70Shared\ directory are updated by one installation but not compatible with the other. Thanks.
This shared directory is only for client bundles, and the product configuration for RTC and RRC will select the correct bundles for their products. This should not be a problem, we test with many different Rational products sharing bundles without problems.
At this time, the RTC, RRC and RQM servers are separate installs and separate databases. This is a point-in-time problem, as these three new products are under development, we are working to better align them and provide the kinds of integrations you're asking about.
Scott Rich
Jazz Team

Yes, you should be able to install RRC and RTC on the same physical
server (but they cannot yet share the same repository). If you
encounter a problem, please let us know.
gdang wrote:
server (but they cannot yet share the same repository). If you
encounter a problem, please let us know.
gdang wrote:
Thanks, Scott. Does this mean there will be no or limited risk if we
install RRC and RTC on the same physical server? Thanks.

Is there any updates on when RTC will work with RRC and RQM?
The first releases of RTC, RRC, and RQM will ship as independent products. Our plan is to have RTC and RQM integration in 1Q 09 and RTC and RRC integration in 2Q 09.
We are focusing first on supporting traceability/linking across the artifacts provided by RQM, RTC, and RRC. These explorations have started and we will make more information available on these integrations as our work progresses. Look for an update in 4Q.
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