RTC 301 RBA on z/OS ( How to set TCPIP Affinity)
One answer
Greetings -
I'm afraid I have not tried this (yet). The most helpful looking documentation I found was :
which states: "Setting an environment variable so that a z/OS UNIX application is able to retrieve the value depends on whether the z/OS UNIX application is started from the z/OS shell or from JCL.
If the z/OS UNIX application is to be started from the z/OS shell, the export shell command can be used to set the environment variable. For example, to set the value of RESOLVER_CONFIG to the file /etc/tcpa.data, you can code the following export command:
export RESOLVER_CONFIG=/etc/tcpa.data"
I think this would be a good place to start.
This link also has a good overview - http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zos/v1r11/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.zos.r11.halz002/multselect.htm
I'm working on setting up a test for this but it may not happen quickly. Please post if you try something and you have positive or negative results and I will do the same.
Bruce Green
I'm afraid I have not tried this (yet). The most helpful looking documentation I found was :
which states: "Setting an environment variable so that a z/OS UNIX application is able to retrieve the value depends on whether the z/OS UNIX application is started from the z/OS shell or from JCL.
If the z/OS UNIX application is to be started from the z/OS shell, the export shell command can be used to set the environment variable. For example, to set the value of RESOLVER_CONFIG to the file /etc/tcpa.data, you can code the following export command:
export RESOLVER_CONFIG=/etc/tcpa.data"
I think this would be a good place to start.
This link also has a good overview - http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zos/v1r11/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.zos.r11.halz002/multselect.htm
I'm working on setting up a test for this but it may not happen quickly. Please post if you try something and you have positive or negative results and I will do the same.
Bruce Green