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Jazz to LDAP Group Mapping

Bernie Bonn (21910) | asked Aug 04 '11, 10:58 a.m.

Is there a way to get around mapping LDAP groups to Jazz groups. I have no control of groups in LDAP, and want to skip this step for now. Is there a way to do this and just add users to Admin group after install?

Thanks, let me know if this is not clear.


2 answers

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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Aug 04 '11, 11:15 a.m.
It sounds like the LDAPLocalGroup realm does what you're after.


Is there a way to get around mapping LDAP groups to Jazz groups. I have no control of groups in LDAP, and want to skip this step for now. Is there a way to do this and just add users to Admin group after install?

Thanks, let me know if this is not clear.


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Bernie Bonn (21910) | answered Aug 10 '11, 2:03 p.m.
It sounds like the LDAPLocalGroup realm does what you're after.


Once this is set up should we be able to administer groups via the UI, or do we have to change mapping.csv every time? So for example, a user logs in as user and I want to add him to the admin group. Can I do that via the web UI, or do I have to log on to the server and edit the file?
Thanks for any info,

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