Some Atrributes Not Showing Up In Thick Client Query
Using RTC client, I have been using the capability to set numerous attributes by running a query, selecting all of the found records, displaying the columns that I want, selecting the rows in the column and then resetting or changing the attribute. It works great for some attributes and use to work for "Subscribed By". Now I can't even get "Subscribed By" to be displayed when I run the query. I go back to the web client, and sure enough the column of subscribers shows up in the "Subscribed By" column, but when I run the same query on the client, the column doesn't even show. This used to work and now doesn't. What would cause this column to no longer be displayed?
Taki Nakajo
Jul 20 '15, 12:15 a.m.Hi Rob, I tested on my RTC 5.0.2. I can see "Subscribed By" in the Selected columns section in a query in RTC Eclipse client. Which version are you using?
Rob Olsen
Jul 21 '15, 10:21 a.m.Thanks for the reply Taki. I am using 5.0.1. although my web client is 5.0.2. I will be upgrading both to 6.0 with a week or so. What's weird is I was able, at one point to get it to show up in the Eclipse client and then something changed and now that value does not show up. I was using it to remove myself as a subscriber from a number of records that I imported. Is it possible that I removed my capability to even display it??