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Team Advisor Screen pops up uninvited

Steve Waters (611) | asked Jul 25 '11, 11:28 a.m.
When I'm using RTC ( client) to update tasks or run queries, the TA screen seems to frequently pop up a blank window which just gets in the way and I have to close it. Sometimes this happens for every single operation I perform, which gets annoying after the first 10 times! I have been advised as a fix to do Reset Perspective by our local RTC admin, but TA just keeps coming back...



3 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 25 '11, 2:42 p.m.
The Team Advisor window is used to display "process warnings/error",
i.e. things that you have done that violate the process defined for your
project and/or team area. If this is popping up empty, it is a bug.


On 7/25/2011 11:38 AM, waterss100 wrote:
When I'm using RTC ( client) to update tasks or run queries,
the TA screen seems to frequently pop up a blank window which just
gets in the way and I have to close it. Sometimes this happens for
every single operation I perform, which gets annoying after the first
10 times! I have been advised as a fix to do Reset Perspective by our
local RTC admin, but TA just keeps coming back...



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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Jul 26 '11, 2:13 p.m.

It may be that your workbench is configured to show the advisor even when there are no errors or warnings, and that the advisor itself is configured not to show sucess messages. Thus, the empty view.

To show the advisor only when there is a warning or error, do the following:
Select Window > Preferences from the main menu
Select "Team Process" in the Preferences dialog
Uncheck the "Automatically open the Team Advisor whenever process is invoked" checkbox.

Jazz Developer

When I'm using RTC ( client) to update tasks or run queries, the TA screen seems to frequently pop up a blank window which just gets in the way and I have to close it. Sometimes this happens for every single operation I perform, which gets annoying after the first 10 times! I have been advised as a fix to do Reset Perspective by our local RTC admin, but TA just keeps coming back...



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Steve Waters (611) | answered Jul 27 '11, 4:58 a.m.
Yes that's sorted it - Thanks!



It may be that your workbench is configured to show the advisor even when there are no errors or warnings, and that the advisor itself is configured not to show sucess messages. Thus, the empty view.

To show the advisor only when there is a warning or error, do the following:
Select Window > Preferences from the main menu
Select "Team Process" in the Preferences dialog
Uncheck the "Automatically open the Team Advisor whenever process is invoked" checkbox.

Jazz Developer

When I'm using RTC ( client) to update tasks or run queries, the TA screen seems to frequently pop up a blank window which just gets in the way and I have to close it. Sometimes this happens for every single operation I perform, which gets annoying after the first 10 times! I have been advised as a fix to do Reset Perspective by our local RTC admin, but TA just keeps coming back...



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