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Getting CRJZS5787E The following RDF index cannot be read or used: internal triple live index.

Princi Verma (28224) | asked Dec 16 '16, 8:10 a.m.

I want to test one RTC plugin on RTC Eclipse Version 5.0.2 using jetty server at my local but after starting the server using debug configuration and running the RTC client using run configuration, In the repository connection when I go and import the process template to create project area to test the plugin then it shows following error-

Getting CRJZS5787E The following RDF index cannot be read or used: internal triple live index.

I also tried by renaming indices folder but still getting the same error.

Please provide your valuable suggestions.

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Dec 18 '16, 10:52 a.m.

are you running into this issue: ?

If this helps please mark the answer as accepted.
- Arne

Princi Verma commented Dec 20 '16, 2:09 a.m.

I have already tried this solution but still getting the same problem.

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