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RTC and CruiseControl

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Jul 21 '11, 10:15 a.m.

A lot projects are using currently CruiseControl. After moving source code to RTC, they are looking at how to build the application. There is a discuss here:

So far, by looking at this diagram, I can see two ways of doing this:
1. Replace CruiseControl with Jazz Build Engine.
2. From CruiseControl Ant script, call Jazz build Ant task. But this has to be IBM RTC Ant (has no task like teamAccept), not standard Apache Ant.

Am I right? For long term solution, I prefer the first one.


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Brent Ulbricht (2.5k11) | answered Jul 21 '11, 1:36 p.m.

A lot projects are using currently CruiseControl. After moving source code to RTC, they are looking at how to build the application. There is a discuss here:

So far, by looking at this diagram, I can see two ways of doing this:
1. Replace CruiseControl with Jazz Build Engine.
2. From CruiseControl Ant script, call Jazz build Ant task. But this has to be IBM RTC Ant (has no task like teamAccept), not standard Apache Ant.

Am I right? For long term solution, I prefer the first one.


Hi Jirong,

This is an article for integration with Hudson, but the same concepts would apply with CruiseControl. The Ant xml script in the article shows some of the RTC Build Ant tasks that would be used for communication between the two systems.

Brent Ulbricht
RTC Build Lead

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