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Using RTC API how to get Stream name from Component and Repository name

Suresh P (1166) | asked Sep 13 '13, 12:48 a.m.


I am using RTC -Eclipse Client 3.0.1 and  PlainJavaAPI 3.0.1.

I have RTC Component name and RTC Repository name for a project.

Now I need to get the Stream name of  that project.

Can you provide me details on RTC APIs used to get Stream name from Component and Repository names.



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Andrew Niefer (7135) | answered Sep 17 '13, 11:55 a.m.
edited Sep 17 '13, 11:57 a.m.
You want IWorkspaceManager.findWorkspacesContainingComponent
This searches for all workspace/streams that contain the component. Something like this:

	IWorkspaceSearchCriteria criteria = IWorkspaceSearchCriteria.FACTORY.newInstance();
	IWorkspaceManager manager = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(repository);
	List< IWorkspaceHandle > workspaces = manager.findWorkspacesContainingComponent(component, criteria,  Integer.MAX_VALUE);

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