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Creating work items dynamically at project initialization

Kaoru Hosokawa (3666) | asked Jun 11 '08, 11:05 p.m.
I understand that I can create a Process Template and define some work items. These work items will showup when this process is used when creating a project.

The situation is this. Developing a software module always requires a set of predefined work items. For example, develop a web ui, develop the web ui input validation, etc. Let's say there are 10 work items per developing a module. These work items are the same for all the modules. If I had 20 modules to develop that means I have to manually create 20 x 10 work items every time I start a new project.

So I'd like to automate this creation of work items. At project creation time, a program will be activated that reads in the module infos and then creates the work items for each and all the modules.

Can something like this be done?

One answer

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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Jun 13 '08, 1:06 p.m.
The existing "Setup Project" follow-up action is contributed via the extension point
("follow-up actions" are called "participants" in the implementation).
You can contribute your own extensions to this extension point in an
Eclipse plugin.

To see how the Setup Project participant is contributed, look at the
plugin.xml file in the plugin.

Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

hosokawa wrote:
I understand that I can create a Process Template and define some work
items. These work items will showup when this process is used when
creating a project.

The situation is this. Developing a software module always requires a
set of predefined work items. For example, develop a web ui, develop
the web ui input validation, etc. Let's say there are 10 work items
per developing a module. These work items are the same for all the
modules. If I had 20 modules to develop that means I have to manually
create 20 x 10 work items every time I start a new project.

So I'd like to automate this creation of work items. At project
creation time, a program will be activated that reads in the module
infos and then creates the work items for each and all the modules.

Can something like this be done?

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