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Taskboard and Kanban views in formal process templates ?

Pavithra Kasturirangan (42956056) | asked Jul 14 '15, 7:02 a.m.
edited Jul 15 '15, 4:46 a.m.

We have created a project based on formal process template. Now, within the project area, one team would like to follow agile based model and have views to Kanban and Taskboard in RTC plans. We are exploring different pros and cons to decide if the new team area should be accommodated within the same project or kept separate.

We would like to give then an agile based working design in RTC with the existing project.

Is there any way these can be designed on a project based on formal process template ? If this is not possible, then are there plugins to connect data from RTC to a different thirdparty dashboard or access it from any other medium to display the required info ?

Accepted answer

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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Jul 14 '15, 5:56 p.m.
Hi Pavithra,

Please refer to these instructions on how to create a new view on your existent plans. In the "Display" field, choose to display the plan view as Kanban board or Taskboard.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Pavithra Kasturirangan commented Jul 15 '15, 4:44 a.m.

 Thank you for your reply, Alexandre

The problem that i see with the above approach is that, to choose a plan view, the list of plans displayed is set to the current project and not from other projects.

In this kind of solution of copying/duplicating views, my requirement is to copy the view from one project to another.

The challenge is that the current project is not based on scrum and hence it does not have any view based on that, I need task board and Kanban board of scrum template on to a plan based on formal process template.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '15, 4:51 a.m.

Plans live in a project area and depend on its process. You can not copy plans or plan views between project areas. You could likely use a shared process and that way propagate plan views across project areas. E.g. you can promote a plan view that you created and then add it to plans. This should be then available in project areas sharing the process.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '15, 4:53 a.m.

Process sharing obviously means the sharing project areas have all the same process, so you could not copy a plan view from a project area with a different process.

Pavithra Kasturirangan commented Jul 15 '15, 5:19 a.m.

 Thank you, Ralph

So, with respect to my requirement it doesn't seem to be possible then .

What I'm looking for is an easy solution to have new set of users made part of the existing project and give them agile specific dashboard for their team.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '15, 5:48 a.m.

This is a totally different question then having the plan views copied over.
You can setup the project as you like and basically create a dashboard that all users share. You can also create a shared dashboard and call it like "Initial Dashboard". Users could go there and basically copy the tabs they want over.

I don't know if it is possible to customize the dashboard template, but I do know that the copy tab option works.

Pavithra Kasturirangan commented Jul 15 '15, 6:45 a.m.

 Thank you, Ralph, I'm able to display Kanban view of a plan of Scrum based project on a dashboard of simple process based project area. However, my requirement has not been met. 

My requirement in the initial question was to have kanban plan view on a project based out of formal process template. I understand that it is not achievable.

Thank you for your replies.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '15, 7:07 a.m.

This is not true, you can create a new view and select to display it as Taskboard and as Kanban view. If that makes a lot of sense in a non agile process template with the formal scheduler, is just another question.

I just checked, that the display options are available in a formal process template. So the initial answer is correct and provides you with what you asked for.

As already mentioned, you can also try to promote the view and make it available as a view available by default in the plan type. If this is going to work depends on the RTC version. There where limitations in earlier versions.

Pavithra Kasturirangan commented Jul 15 '15, 7:36 a.m.


I was able to add the new plan type in project configuration to find Taskboard atlast. This is great. By default, my customized process template did not have it part of any views.

Kanban board view is still missing in the list of available plan types to add. I'm in RTC 5.0.2-iFix04.

Having Taskboard will still suffice for my requirement.

Thanks a lot for your efforts!!

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '15, 7:40 a.m.

The screenshot is from 5.0.2.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '15, 7:48 a.m.

In addition it is not a plan type - it is the display type in a plan view.

Pavithra Kasturirangan commented Jul 15 '15, 8:11 a.m.

 Sorry, Ralph, that's a typo, its a plan/display view.

To confirm your point, i created a new project with Formal process template and even that does not include Kanban plan view.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '15, 8:27 a.m. | edited Jul 15 '15, 8:29 a.m.

No, it is the display type option in a plan view (formerly called plan mode) that you can edit and where you can select, while editing, how to display the plan view - as Tree, Kanban, Taskboard, Flat.......

You have to create a new view in the plan, or you have to edit an existing plan view in the plan and select in the display option in the plan view on the options tab and select how to display it: Tree, Kanban, Taskboard, Flat....... 

This is what is explained here:

The selection to display as Tree, Kanban, Taskboard, Flat....... is available for me in 5.0.2. There are no predefined plan views that are called Kanba or Taskboard in the formal process template, but you can create them.

Pavithra Kasturirangan commented Jul 15 '15, 8:42 a.m.

Ah OK! i went to the project configuration, Configuration Data -> Planning ->Plan types and added Taskboard View part of the required Plan Types and that got me Taskboard View type on the formal process based project.

Yes, On clicking Edit view, i see the options that you have shown in your screenshot under Display.

This is perfect!

Thanks a lot for all your replies.

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