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Custom portal/dashboard for Jazz.Net

Allen Galbraith (335) | asked Jun 13 '11, 12:03 p.m.
Hello Everyone,

I was at Innovate 2011 and at the Hitchikers guide to session. It was shown there tha you could customize your own dashboard or portal for the site. For the life of me, I cannot find it. Maybe Im a bit thick? :)

Any help on how to do this?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Seth Packham (1.4k42213) | answered Jun 11 '12, 10:42 p.m.
@wmalgal Wow, I'm sorry I missed your question last year. We've since added a "My Stuff" section of the website that has some prepackaged stuff and also includes a handy link to your personal dashboard:

We've also just totally upgraded our forum, making it easier for me to find questions that were never answered.

Seth Packham selected this answer as the correct answer

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