I'm keep getting auto-subscribed to a comment even though I have auto-subscribed turned off
I'm now sure of it. My profile has auto-subscribed turned off, but yet since yesterday four new subscriptions showed up that I didn't have yesterday. It seemed to happen overnight though. Note though I do have daily digest checked in my profile. I don't know if that is causing it or not. But having a daily digest (which actually I have not yet seen anything sent to me so I don't what it shows) shouldn't be causing an auto-subscribe.
Seth Packham
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 12 '12, 11:59 a.m.So none of these are checked in your profile settings?
Rich Kulp
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 15 '12, 10:45 a.m.Correct, none of those are checked:
This is what it looks like: (I just noticed that "A new question matching my favorite tags is posted" is turned on, which I need to turn off (even though I don't have any favorite tags). But that shouldn't cause auto-subscribe)
Rich Kulp
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 15 '12, 10:44 a.m.It seems like there is an implicit subscription option of "Subscribe on first reply to a question". Because it is still happening. I answer a question and I get subscribed. If I then unsubscribe to that question and put out another answer to it I am at least not subscribed again.
Rich Kulp
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 13 '12, 11:47 a.m.This is very annoying. Once a week I have to go through and clean out my subscriptions because it keeps subscribing on what appears to be the first update from me to a question.
Seth Packham
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 13 '12, 12:40 p.m.@griffisp can you check to see if there are any bugs with auto-subscribe?
Bo Chulindra
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 26 '12, 7:29 p.m.Did this ever get resolved?