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Birt report on WI complexity changes in RTC 2.0

Martin Eggers (611) | asked Jun 10 '11, 10:52 a.m.
I'm trying to author a report which should show me complexity changes for stories. I would like to report that a story complexity has e.g. changed from 13 story points to 8 story points and when that has happened. I would like to report this for all stories in a given project area.

I've started querying the WORKITEMS_SNAPSHOT fact table WC_STRING_EXT using '{Complexity Attribute}' as parameter for the column KEY.

This lists some complexity changes for some stories, but not all of them.

Any hint what I need to do differently?



2 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jun 10 '11, 7:42 p.m.
What you did should have worked. If you think something is broken, please file a defect and attach a simple report design that shows the problem.

permanent link
Martin Eggers (611) | answered Jun 21 '11, 9:18 a.m.
OK, thank you. I've opened defect 169391.

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