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AIX Client Needed to connect to RTC 3.0

Donald Mason (5155) | asked Apr 12 '11, 4:50 p.m.

I am looking for an AIX command line only for AIX 5.3 to connect to a RTC 3.0 server. I have looked all over the and the IBM extreme leverage and I am not finding a client nor am I finding the express client mentioned in the forum post .

Does anyone know where I can find a client only for AIX 5.3 that will connect to a RTC 3.0 server?

8 answers

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Donald Mason (5155) | answered Apr 13 '11, 12:29 p.m.
If the client is not available standalone, is it in another zip / tar? I am not able to find any reference to it so far.

I am also wondering if there is just a tar / zip for the entire product instead of going through some installer. I want to be able to put the product under one directory and use it from there without have the rest of my system changed.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Apr 14 '11, 4:32 a.m.

I am looking for an AIX command line only for AIX 5.3 to connect to a RTC 3.0 server. I have looked all over the and the IBM extreme leverage and I am not finding a client nor am I finding the express client mentioned in the forum post .

Does anyone know where I can find a client only for AIX 5.3 that will connect to a RTC 3.0 server?

AIX is not a supported platform for the client (it is supported as a server). However, you may be able to get something working. You need to get an Eclipse instance installed on your AIX box, then add in the RTC bits manually. The commandline client is really running Eclipse underneath - hence the need for an Eclipse install.


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Donald Mason (5155) | answered Apr 14 '11, 9:33 a.m.

I am looking for an AIX command line only for AIX 5.3 to connect to a RTC 3.0 server. I have looked all over the and the IBM extreme leverage and I am not finding a client nor am I finding the express client mentioned in the forum post .

Does anyone know where I can find a client only for AIX 5.3 that will connect to a RTC 3.0 server?

AIX is not a supported platform for the client (it is supported as a server). However, you may be able to get something working. You need to get an Eclipse instance installed on your AIX box, then add in the RTC bits manually. The commandline client is really running Eclipse underneath - hence the need for an Eclipse install.


Anthony, thanks for the reply. I will look elsewhere, but since you just answered, do you know if eclipse can be installed in command line only and used that way?

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Donald Mason (5155) | answered Apr 14 '11, 9:37 a.m.

I am looking for an AIX command line only for AIX 5.3 to connect to a RTC 3.0 server. I have looked all over the and the IBM extreme leverage and I am not finding a client nor am I finding the express client mentioned in the forum post .

Does anyone know where I can find a client only for AIX 5.3 that will connect to a RTC 3.0 server?

AIX is not a supported platform for the client (it is supported as a server). However, you may be able to get something working. You need to get an Eclipse instance installed on your AIX box, then add in the RTC bits manually. The commandline client is really running Eclipse underneath - hence the need for an Eclipse install.


Anthony, also, I guess this means there is no client included in the server version? This seems weird? I was hoping that if it came to having to install the server that was available, that I could just use the client portion. It seems that if they could port a whole server that a simple command line client would have been really easy.

This will make it very difficult to switch our build process over to JAZZ, probably not going to happen in the near term now.

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Donald Mason (5155) | answered Apr 14 '11, 12:15 p.m.
Ok, with Anthony's pointer and some help from another user, I was able to get something to run.

I went to the site and downloaded the 'Plain Zips' 'Linux x86 (343.22 MB) image

Once I got this image unzipped on my AIX box, I backed up and changed 2 files:


so that they pointed to a valid JVM, which needs to be (according to the, JDK5).

Once I did this, I could then run jazz/scmtools/eclipse/

My remaining issue now, is that this command is extremely slow, 10 to 20 seconds to return even just for help. The system is running all other commands very fast with no delay, but the is a dog.


I am looking for an AIX command line only for AIX 5.3 to connect to a RTC 3.0 server. I have looked all over the and the IBM extreme leverage and I am not finding a client nor am I finding the express client mentioned in the forum post .

Does anyone know where I can find a client only for AIX 5.3 that will connect to a RTC 3.0 server?

AIX is not a supported platform for the client (it is supported as a server). However, you may be able to get something working. You need to get an Eclipse instance installed on your AIX box, then add in the RTC bits manually. The commandline client is really running Eclipse underneath - hence the need for an Eclipse install.


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Donald Mason (5155) | answered Apr 14 '11, 1:03 p.m.
Ok, I have figured out how to start up the scm daemon (still not sure exactly all the ramifications of using it, a little concerned that it gets a different port each time). I will update the quote of my last post with an extra file that is needed to be updated (lscm).

To get around the wort part of the slowness, I started the daemon:
scm daemon start &

Next, you use the
command instead of

Ok, with Anthony's pointer and some help from another user, I was able to get something to run.

I went to the site and downloaded the 'Plain Zips' 'Linux x86 (343.22 MB) image

Once I got this image unzipped on my AIX box, I backed up and changed 3 files:


so that they pointed to a valid JVM, which needs to be (according to the, JDK5).

Once I did this, I could then run jazz/scmtools/eclipse/

My remaining issue now, is that this command is extremely slow, 10 to 20 seconds to return even just for help. The system is running all other commands very fast with no delay, but the is a dog.


I am looking for an AIX command line only for AIX 5.3 to connect to a RTC 3.0 server. I have looked all over the and the IBM extreme leverage and I am not finding a client nor am I finding the express client mentioned in the forum post .

Does anyone know where I can find a client only for AIX 5.3 that will connect to a RTC 3.0 server?

AIX is not a supported platform for the client (it is supported as a server). However, you may be able to get something working. You need to get an Eclipse instance installed on your AIX box, then add in the RTC bits manually. The commandline client is really running Eclipse underneath - hence the need for an Eclipse install.


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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Apr 14 '11, 2:45 p.m.
It's ok to start the daemon. Speeding up calls is the reason it's there. You can also just go straight to using 'lscm'. It will start the daemon if it hasn't started (first call will be slow like using 'scm').

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Donald Mason (5155) | answered Apr 14 '11, 2:57 p.m.
It's ok to start the daemon. Speeding up calls is the reason it's there. You can also just go straight to using 'lscm'. It will start the daemon if it hasn't started (first call will be slow like using 'scm').

It does not work with the linux client on AIX, because the java path is hardcoded to the directory of a x86 linux version. The workarounds say to change 3 files, which I did and documented. But, if you do this, then the lscm on its own does not work.

Now that I know (or at least think I know) what is going on, I may put the original commands back and ignore the technote and just overwrite the shipped jdk to see if it all works fine. About to try that next.

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