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formatting workitem attribute value

Perala Chakrapani (2122) | asked Sep 19 '10, 6:23 a.m.
Hi -

we use RTC ifix4 server and eclipse client.

We have one custom attribute called "Grade". When user comes out of should format with % symbol at the end of value. But below things i did is not working . help me out to fix the issue.

the process configuration source looks like below
<customAttributes category="">
<customAttribute id="grade" name="Grade" type="smallString"/>

<attributeDefinition id="grade" name="Grade" type="smallString">
<dependsOn id="grade"/>
<valueProvider providerId="gradeValue"/>

<configuration-data xmlns="" id="">
<valueProvider id="gradeValue" providerId="" name="Formatting Percentage">
<script class="com.example.common.FormatPercentage"/>
<myGrade id="grade"/>

and the dojo script is written as below and added to links tab


(function() {

dojo.declare("com.example.common.FormatPercentage", null, {

getValue: function(attribute, workItem, configuration) {

var formatted = attribute.getValue();

return formatted + " %" ;



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