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'My Work' view with multiple projects

Robin Parker (32633739) | asked Feb 18 '11, 11:57 a.m.
Can anyone tell me how we can use the My Work view accross multiple projects?

I've managed to Duplcate the Team Load section on the team dashboard so that a team lead can track the load accross all of the teams they're the lead of but if someone is working accross multiple projects it would be nice to have all of their work listed in their My Work section which I don't seem to be able to duplicate.

Many Thanks,


3 answers

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Michael Oliver (1153) | answered Mar 09 '11, 8:50 p.m.
Can anyone tell me how we can use the My Work view across multiple projects?

I've managed to Duplicate the Team Load section on the team dashboard so that a team lead can track the load across all of the teams they're the lead of but if someone is working across multiple projects it would be nice to have all of their work listed in their My Work section which I don't seem to be able to duplicate.

Many Thanks,


Bingo Robin, just almost exactly the question I was going to ask. I want my Personal Dashboard to have ONE widget that shows me the work I have assigned to me across all projects.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 09 '11, 9:23 p.m.
Support for this is requested in work item 84268. Please feel free to
indicate your support/interest by adding a comment there.

One workaround mentioned in that work item is to create an entry in your
Team Dashboard, and add to that entry queries for the to-dos in each of
your project areas.


On 2/18/2011 12:08 PM, parke1r wrote:
Can anyone tell me how we can use the My Work view accross multiple

I've managed to Duplcate the Team Load section on the team dashboard
so that a team lead can track the load accross all of the teams
they're the lead of but if someone is working accross multiple
projects it would be nice to have all of their work listed in their
My Work section which I don't seem to be able to duplicate.

Many Thanks,


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Thomas Mueller (11) | answered Sep 25 '15, 6:01 a.m.
I would like to indicate my interest for this work item. 
I love this view but my work load and tasks are spread over multiple project areas so in my case its not useful to use it for planing today or the week because I never see all my tasks at once.

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