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Migrating Releases from CQ to RTC 3

Fabian Ehls (161) | asked Feb 11 '11, 10:44 a.m.

I am migrating an old CQ-based project to a new RTC 3 environment. With the help of the import wizard i was able to import work items without any major problems.

In the CQ environment there is record type "release" which contains a version number, a description and a date.

When i import the work items (wi), iterations and releases are automatically created in the project depending on the values in the "found in" and "planned for" fields. The thing which is missing are the descriptions of the releases.

I tried to import the release records from CQ without any effect. So, is there a way to get the release descriptions from CQ in the right place in RTC? Perhaps via a mapping in the xml ?

Greetings, Fabian

2 answers

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Feb 14 '11, 10:26 a.m.
Setting the release description using the CQ import wizard is currently not supported. You may submit an enhancement request.

permanent link
Fabian Ehls (161) | answered Feb 18 '11, 8:56 a.m.
Setting the release description using the CQ import wizard is currently not supported. You may submit an enhancement request.

I created an enhancement wi:

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