Can I constrain the "Planned for" field depending on work item type.
I desire to constrain what iteration in my timeline can be selected depending on the work item type being created. For example, an Epic type work item should only be allowed to be planned for a Release (Release 1,2 etc.,) and Story type work items will be planned for sprints (sub-iterations of Releases).
Is this possible and if so, how would I configure this? I imagine it would be done using the "Attribute Customization" option in the eclipse client. Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer
As far as I am aware, there is no way to configure this in RTC/EWM. It would be technically possible to implement such a feature using the RTC SDK Extensibility capabilities. To learn about this, start here: . I think the following approaches could work:
A Work Item Save Advisor could be created, that would allow to prevent saving the work item based on the type and the selected iteration. See
- A Java based validator extension could work. See
As far as I can tell, the published and supported JavaScript API does not allow to do that. There might be possibilities to do that using unpublished and unsupported APIs in the Web UI, but it is very likely not doable in the Eclipse client. See for some general considerations.