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RTC 3.0 - Visual Studio client, quickly changing work items

Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | asked Jan 28 '11, 4:41 p.m.
In the RTC 3.0 Eclipse there is a very handy item at the bottom of the IDE to select a work item and quickly set it to start working/stop working, and other status changing events. I was unable to find an equivalent feature in VS for quickly setting a WI as "current" -- does such a feature exist?

As well, it appears Visual Studio features were removed that allowed you to quickly change a work item's field values. It looks like now you now have to open the work item up and change it. Is there a faster way of doing this?

3 answers

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Prabodh Mairh (3812) | answered Jan 31 '11, 5:33 a.m.
In the RTC 3.0 Eclipse there is a very handy item at the bottom of the IDE to select a work item and quickly set it to start working/stop working, and other status changing events. I was unable to find an equivalent feature in VS for quickly setting a WI as "current" -- does such a feature exist?

Hi Benjamin,

In RTC for Visual Studio client, you can mark a workitem as "current workitem" by right-clicking on the workitem either in Workitem view or workitem history (in Team Artifacts). The "current workitem" appears in a slightly different color and appears in italics, and also appears at the bottom of the IDE (similar to Eclipse, however you don't get an option to set/unset as current workitem from here).

As well, it appears Visual Studio features were removed that allowed you to quickly change a work item's field values. It looks like now you now have to open the work item up and change it. Is there a faster way of doing this?

You still have an option to select one/multiple workitems in the workitem view (by running a query may be), and context menu provides a "Change" menu option to change values. The sub-menu to "Change" will have a list of values that can be changed. The list contains only the columns which are visible in workitem view. You can configure workitem view to add/remove columns. This can be done by clicking on "Columns" drop down in the toolbar in workitem view.
Eg. Let us say you want to change "Filed Against" field for multiple workitems. This field is not visible in the workitem view by default. Click on "Columns" dropdown and select "Filed Against" field to be displayed. The view gets refreshed to show "Filed Against" fields for all the listed workitems. Now select workitems for which you want to change the "Filed Against" field, right click and go to "Change" menu option. It will show a sub-menu with fields which can be changed, select "Filed Against" in the menu and change the value.

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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Feb 01 '11, 1:58 p.m.
Thanks for the reply! I must say, I *love* the new features in Visual Studio plugin for RTC 3! I do wish that it had an "option to set/unset as current workitem" so all source code changesets would be automatically associated with the current work item.

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Feb 02 '11, 1:59 a.m.
It's great that you like all the new features :-).

Just to close on the Quick Edit topic, we replaced Quick Edit with a full-fledged native editor which we thought was more in line with getting more and more native integrations of RTC with Visual Studio. Quick Edit had sort of been a stop gap for us till we got to a full featured editor. Like Prabodh said, you could use the bulk edit feature from the work item view if you want to quickly edit fields.

As for current work, we do have it - just right click on any work item - either in the work item editor if you have it open, or the work item view, or the work item history node in the Team Artifacts Navigator. There's the Set As Current Work menu option which does just that. A lot of the RTC users had asked for it, so it was one of our high priority features for 3.0.


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