CRRT8500E: Server Error: Problems deregistering sandboxes
We have sometimes the following problem with the VS Studio client
We have VS Studio 2010 with installed RTC Plugin (4.0.1). Sometimes, when we try to change the sandbox (right-click to another sandbox and choose the option set as current sandbox) we got the error message CRRT8500E: Server Error: Problems deregistering sandboxes. When we try to change the sandbox again, it works.
Unfortunately I didn't find the error message in the ccm log.
Is that a known problem or did anybody know why this happens? (e.g. lock of VS Studio)
Accepted answer
Unfortunately this problem is not jet solved. There is a defect work item for that issue. At the moment it is planned for 4.0.5. (but it was already moved from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5)