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LDAP authentication with nested groups ?

Michael Sternberg (8181) | asked Dec 23 '10, 10:06 a.m.
Hello everybody.

I've configured RTC 3.0 server to use LDAP as users repository (LDAP4Newbies and Users Guide). We're using IBM BluePages as LDAP provider. I discovered that:
  1. Users, that belong to subgroup of a group, that was mapped as "JazzUsers", are not authenticated.
  2. Also, the same users are not automatically imported when LDAP nightly syncronization process is running
Is it known fact that RTC doesn't supports LDAP authentication of nested groups and if yes - which project (Jazz foundation or RTC) and which category should I use when opening a defect ?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Dec 26 '10, 7:38 p.m.
This is work item 59463. It is currently not in-plan, so please add a
comment to indicate your interest/support.


On 12/26/2010 6:12 PM, mishka wrote:
Hello everybody.

I've configured RTC 3.0 server to use LDAP as users repository
Guide). We're using IBM BluePages as LDAP provider. I discovered
  • Users, that belong to subgroup of a
    group, that was mapped as "JazzUsers", are
    not authenticated.
  • Also, the same users are not automatically imported when
    LDAP nightly syncronization process is runningIs
    it known fact that RTC doesn't supports LDAP authentication of nested
    groups and if yes - which project (Jazz foundation or RTC) and which
    category should I use when opening a defect ?
  • Your answer

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