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Helios RTC 4.0.1 client won't connect on ONE machine

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Feb 25 '13, 2:33 p.m.
This is really strange. All machines work except this one machine. Yet on that one machine, we can connect from Indigo and the web client just fine. I copied the Helios client (the same one we put on all the other machines) three times, trying two different flash sticks and deleting the workspace to recreate it, but just can't get Helios to connect on that one machine. It acts like it can't find the server, yet the same URL works in Indigo and the web client. Java is at Java 7 update 15 for both 32 and 64 bit and there is no Java 6 on that machine (just like the others). Any ideas?

Mike Shkolnik commented Feb 25 '13, 2:41 p.m.

I should mention the specs on this machine are the same as the others - Windows 7 64 bit with 8GB RAM.

Tim Mok commented Feb 25 '13, 5:36 p.m.

Is there anything in the Error Log view when trying to connect? If there's a stack trace, that would be helpful to figure out what's going on. My first thought is there might be something different about the JVM you're using but it sounds like it's the same as on other machines that work.

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John Riendeau (46626) | answered Feb 25 '13, 5:04 p.m.
Have you checked Eclipse's "Network Connections" settings (Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections)?  Do the values there look sane/comparable to those in Indigo/other workstations?  Does tinkering with them have any effect?

Mike Shkolnik commented Feb 25 '13, 6:33 p.m.

Indeed that one machine had some odd proxy settings for unknown reasons. I changed the Active Provider dropdown from "Native" to "Direct" and the checkmarks disappeared and everything works. Weird that Helios would fail while Indigo worked fine, though.

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