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Is a calendar viewlet available in RTC dashboard?

Jesse Timbang (3211619) | asked May 02 '17, 5:12 p.m.

I work for a client that has a very aggressive timeline for their releases. Management wants to see a calendar widget that will pretty much tell them the stories/features tagged and released for a specific date. 

Has anyone done something like that? I was thinking of handling the reporting side first and worry about the viewlet later.

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered May 03 '17, 6:09 a.m.

Have you tried to use a custom Plan view > for the full timeline / Releases and display "Stories only"

Then use the Plan Widget?

Jesse Timbang commented May 03 '17, 6:29 p.m.

 Let me check that out, thanks

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