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How to bind new WI's custom Editor Presentations to WebUI?

Guislain LAGRON (3674) | asked Dec 14 '10, 2:12 p.m.

I have created a new WI with custom fields, and have defined the following custom Editor Presentations:
and bound both to the new WI's:
- Work Item Editor
- Inline Work Item Editor

While these work as expected on the RTC client, the WebUI just uses the generic

How do I bind custom Editor Presentations for a new WI to the WebUI?


Guislain Lagron

2 answers

permanent link
Gwen Thomas (4144) | answered Dec 16 '10, 7:52 a.m.
Work Item Editor primary editor
Inline Work Item Editor inline editor in the query results of the Web UI
Lightweight Work Item Creation Dialog presentation section in Deliver and Resolve wizard
Plan Editor Preview plan preview used for the plan editor preview pane (Eclipse client) and the inline editor in the plan (Web UI)

permanent link
Guislain LAGRON (3674) | answered Dec 16 '10, 6:25 p.m.

Thanks for the response. I believe that I have done that.

1. I have defined a new Editor Presentation:
which has 2 tabs: Default & Custom

2. I have bound the the new Report work item Inline Work Item Editor to

3. Yet on the WebUI, the Custom tab does not appear.

Is there a 4th step which I am missing?



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