Personal builds impact build definition status
3 answers
The build definition status should not be affected by personal builds. I've verified that that's the case in 3.0, and there have been no changes in this area since 2.0. Which release are you running? Are you sure there isn't an earlier non-personal build that's affecting the status? It may also be the case that the UI state is out of sync with what's in the repository. Try selecting the build definition in the Team Artifacts view and choosing Refresh.
The build definition status should not be affected by personal builds. I've verified that that's the case in 3.0, and there have been no changes in this area since 2.0. Which release are you running? Are you sure there isn't an earlier non-personal build that's affecting the status? It may also be the case that the UI state is out of sync with what's in the repository. Try selecting the build definition in the Team Artifacts view and choosing Refresh.
Thanks for your reply. I mixed up the build status visible in the Team Artifacts and the build status trend visible when looking at a build result.
The build definition build status is definitely not affected, so that's good!
Thanks for clarifying. You're not the only one that's been thrown off by the trend showing status for personal builds. We really should indicate them differently.
See 103971: Exclude personal builds from status trend in build result.
See 103971: Exclude personal builds from status trend in build result.