On RTC 5.0, how can I stop a mainframe output loadlib member awaiting promotion to its target stream from being overwritten by a different workitem build with the same module?
We are on RTC 5.0
This is a mainframe (Enterprise Extension) issue. Want to promote Work Item A in Stream B with both source and load to target stream A. Trying not to recompile Work Item A in Stream A. To do that we need to be sure that the the loadlib member and the file member match.
Concerned that while waiting to Promote Work Item A, Workitem B containing a changeset with the same file is delivered and its build overlays the WorkItem A loadlib member with the loadlib member from Work Item B,
The promote of WorkItem A will Fail because the file from Work Item A no longer matches the loadlib member (now from Work Iitem B), but the damage is done and it is not seen until the promote fails.
Is there a mechanism or technique within RTC that can prevent either the delivery to the stream and/ or the build of Work Item B if within the stream there is a Work Item containing the same file awaiting promotion
thank you