Problem while reading custom attribute values from work item

We can fetch custom attributes values with below code using RTC client libraries:
but when using the service side RTC services we can't fetch the same custom attribute values (except custom atrribute "Product Team Name") , below is our server side code:
Is any one has any information/solution on this issue?
We can fetch custom attributes values with below code using RTC client libraries:
for (IAttributeHandle attribute1 : customeAttributes) {
IAttribute attribute = workItemClient.getAuditableCommon()
.resolveAuditable(attribute1, IAttribute.FULL_PROFILE,
System.out.println("Attribute type : "
+ attribute.getAttributeType());
if (attribute.getAttributeType().equals("mediumString")) {
System.out.println("customAttribute name :"
+ attribute.getDisplayName() + ", value : "
+ itemToBeModified.getValue(attribute));
if ("Product Team Name".equals(attribute.getDisplayName())) {
teamname = (String) itemToBeModified
if (!attribute.getAttributeType().equals("mediumString")
&& !attribute.getAttributeType().equals(
"contributorList")) {
IWorkItemCommon workItemCommon = (IWorkItemCommon) teamRepository
IAuditableCommon auditableCommon = workItemCommon
IEnumeration enumeration = workItemCommon
.resolveEnumeration(attribute, monitor);
ILiteral literal = enumeration
.findEnumerationLiteral((Identifier) itemToBeModified
String name = literal.getName();
System.out.println("name:" + name);
System.out.println("attribute details: "
+ attribute);
if ("Group Name".equals(attribute.getDisplayName())) {
groupname = name;
if ("SCM Region".equals(attribute.getDisplayName())) {
scmregion = name;
if (attribute.getAttributeType().equals("contributorList")) {
IAuditableClient auditableClient = (IAuditableClient) teamRepository
List<IContributorHandle> handles = (List<IContributorHandle>) itemToBeModified
List<IContributor> users = auditableClient
ItemProfile.CONTRIBUTOR_DEFAULT, monitor);
System.out.println("Display Name : "
+ attribute.getDisplayName());
if ("Team Members".equals(attribute.getDisplayName())) {
for (Object object1 : users) {
IContributor contributor = (IContributor) object1;
if ("Build Engineers".equals(attribute.getDisplayName())) {
for (Object object1 : users) {
IContributor contributor = (IContributor) object1;
if ("SCM Administrators"
.equals(attribute.getDisplayName())) {
for (Object object1 : users) {
IContributor contributor = (IContributor) object1;
but when using the service side RTC services we can't fetch the same custom attribute values (except custom atrribute "Product Team Name") , below is our server side code:
List<IAttributeHandle> customeAttributes = workingCopy
for (IAttributeHandle attribute1 : customeAttributes) {
IAttribute attribute = wis
// get the value of attribute
// "Product Team Name"
if (attribute.getAttributeType().equals(
"mediumString")) {
if ("Product Team Name"
.getDisplayName())) {
teamname = (String) workingCopy
// get the values of attributes "Group Name"
// and
// "SCM Region"
if (!attribute.getAttributeType().equals(
&& !attribute.getAttributeType()
.equals("contributorList")) {
IWorkItemCommon workItemCommon = (IWorkItemCommon) wis
IEnumeration enumeration = workItemCommon
ILiteral literal = enumeration
.findEnumerationLiteral((Identifier) workingCopy
String name = literal.getName();
System.out.println("name:" + name);
if ("Group Name".equals(attribute
.getDisplayName())) {
groupname = name;
if ("SCM Region".equals(attribute
.getDisplayName())) {
scmregion = name;
// get the values of attributes
// "Build Engineers,Team Members and Product Administrators"
if (attribute.getAttributeType().equals(
"contributorList")) {
IWorkItemCommon workItemCommon = (IWorkItemCommon) wis
IAuditableCommon auditableCommon = workItemCommon
List<IContributorHandle> handles = (List<IContributorHandle>) workingCopy
List<IContributor> users = auditableCommon
for (Object object1 : users) {
IContributor contributor = (IContributor) object1;
Is any one has any information/solution on this issue?
4 answers

Is any one has any information/solution on this issue?
In general, you have access to the same core API on the server and the
client. Could you elaborate more specifically on what didn't work?
On a side note, I would keep the code free of references to attribute
display names. They can change. I'd use the attribute identifier instead.
RTC Work Item Component Lead

Is any one has any information/solution on this issue?
In general, you have access to the same core API on the server and the
client. Could you elaborate more specifically on what didn't work?
On a side note, I would keep the code free of references to attribute
display names. They can change. I'd use the attribute identifier instead.
RTC Work Item Component Lead
Hi Patrick
Thanks for your information.
As mentioned earlier I can fetch the values of all the custom attributes using client side API's but can't fetch the same custom attribute values from the server side operation participant with the code given earlier.
Now I tried to get the values using attribute identifier as suggested by you and below is the my code:
List<IAttributeHandle> customeAttributes = workingCopy
for (IAttributeHandle attribute1 : customeAttributes) {
.println("we are in -----------> for loop ");
IAttribute attribute = wis
IWorkItemCommon workItemCommon = (IWorkItemCommon) getService(IWorkItemCommon.class);
if (attribute.getIdentifier().equals(
"product_team_name")) {
teamname = (String) workingCopy
+ teamname);
if (attribute.getIdentifier().equals(
|| attribute.getIdentifier()
.equals("scm_region")) {
IEnumeration enumeration = workItemCommon
+ enumeration);
ILiteral literal = enumeration
.findEnumerationLiteral((Identifier) workingCopy
+ enumeration);
String name = literal.getName();
if ("group_name".equals(attribute
.getIdentifier())) {
groupname = name;
+ groupname);
if ("scm_region".equals(attribute
.getIdentifier())) {
scmregion = name;
+ scmregion);
This code just print "we are in -----------> for loop" but does not print the values of cutom attributes.

Im trying to getValue of Approvals's attribute but I obtained "" (empty string) when my workItem has text in this field. The WI is of type Component.
Im trying this in the server side, RTC v 3.0.1, here is my code:
result and result2 are both empty strings.
Any idea?
Im trying to getValue of Approvals's attribute but I obtained "" (empty string) when my workItem has text in this field. The WI is of type Component.
Im trying this in the server side, RTC v 3.0.1, here is my code:
service = getService(IWorkItemServer.class);
IWorkItem copy = (IWorkItem) wi.getWorkingCopy();
for(IAttributeHandle att : copy.getCustomAttributes()){
ATT = (IAttribute) RIS.fetchItem(att, IRepositoryItemService.COMPLETE);
IAttribute attribute = service.getAuditableCommon().resolveAuditable(att,IAttribute.FULL_PROFILE,null);
if (ATT.getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase(parsedConfig.idAtributo2)){
System.out.println("entro al if, encontr un att!!");
result = (String) wi.getValue(ATT);
result2 = (String) copy.getValue(attribute);
if (!result.equals("") || !result2.equals("")){
result and result2 are both empty strings.
Any idea?

Im trying to getValue of Approvals's attribute but I obtained "" (empty string) when my workItem has text in this field. The WI is of type Component.
Im trying this in the server side, RTC v 3.0.1, here is my code:
service = getService(IWorkItemServer.class);
IWorkItem copy = (IWorkItem) wi.getWorkingCopy();
for(IAttributeHandle att : copy.getCustomAttributes()){
ATT = (IAttribute) RIS.fetchItem(att, IRepositoryItemService.COMPLETE);
IAttribute attribute = service.getAuditableCommon().resolveAuditable(att,IAttribute.FULL_PROFILE,null);
if (ATT.getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase(parsedConfig.idAtributo2)){
System.out.println("entro al if, encontr un att!!");
result = (String) wi.getValue(ATT);
result2 = (String) copy.getValue(attribute);
if (!result.equals("") || !result2.equals("")){
result and result2 are both empty strings.
Any idea?
if anyone needs it this is how I do it and it works just fine:
List<IAttribute> attributes= auditableClient.resolveAuditables(workItemClient.findWorkItemById(id, IWorkItem.DEFAULT_PROFILE, null).getCustomAttributes(),IAttribute.FULL_PROFILE, null);
for(IAttribute attr : attributes) {
if(attr.getIdentifier().equals(attribute)) return attr.getValue(auditableClient, workItemClient.findWorkItemById(id, IWorkItem.DEFAULT_PROFILE, null), null);