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Querying Work Items Spanning Across Multiple Project Area

Manmohan Singh (11) | asked Mar 31 '09, 10:28 a.m.

Could you please suggest how to query the workitems spanning across the multiple project areas in Jazz. At the moment a work item query is specific to a project area. And it really does not give the complete picture.

Any idea how to do it programmatically or any other way to do it?

Thanks and Regards

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John Doran (9182) | answered Apr 02 '09, 7:28 p.m.

Could you please suggest how to query the workitems spanning across the multiple project areas in Jazz. At the moment a work item query is specific to a project area. And it really does not give the complete picture.

Any idea how to do it programmatically or any other way to do it?

Thanks and Regards

Check out the source of this example ...

The ReminderTask queries for certain kinds of work items and does it for multiple project areas.

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