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Rational Software Analyzer Target - Resource directory

Daniel Stefan Haischt (21412322) | asked Nov 26 '10, 2:23 p.m.

I am using Rational Software Analyzer 7.1 together with a Rational Team Concert Build system. I linked both together as described here:

Could it be that it is NOT possible to use properties such as ${buildLabel} right within the "Rational Software Analyzer Target - Resource directory" text field? Each time I use properties RSAR does not find any projects to be analyzed which gives me the impression, that such properties won't be expanded.

If I use an absolute path that does not contain any properties, RSAR at least starts analyzing projects.


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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Nov 30 '10, 10:11 a.m.
So it looks like the RSAR build definition configuration element is missing a special property needed to indicate that it supports property substitution. They suggested raising an APAR, but I'm trying to find a good contact on the RSAR team for you to talk directly to.
Daniel Stefan Haischt selected this answer as the correct answer

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Nov 26 '10, 4:49 p.m.
It should be possible to use build property substitutions, assuming the RSAR configuration supports substitutions (it may not).

One thing to watch out for is if the substitution introduces a space, in which case you may need to add quotes around the path.

The build log should give a trace of which substitutions were performed, so you can see whether the RSAR target directory field gets the substituted value, and whether it has spaces.

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Daniel Stefan Haischt (21412322) | answered Nov 28 '10, 10:19 a.m.
Hi Nick,

It should be possible to use build property substitutions, assuming the RSAR configuration supports substitutions (it may not).

One thing to watch out for is if the substitution introduces a space, in which case you may need to add quotes around the path.

The build log should give a trace of which substitutions were performed, so you can see whether the RSAR target directory field gets the substituted value, and whether it has spaces.

Good point to have a look at the build log. That's the variabl substitution section of the build log:

2010-11-26 23:35:33 [Jazz build engine] running on host: modean

2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine]
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] Substituted the following build property variables:
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] team.scm.fetchDestination = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\${buildLabel} --> team.scm.fetchDestination = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\20101126-2335
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] buildDirectory = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\${buildLabel}\\\rapid-modeler --> buildDirectory = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\20101126-2335\\\rapid-modeler
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine]
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine]
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] Substituted the following configuration element property variables:
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] : = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\${buildLabel}\\src\build.master.xml --> = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\20101126-2335\\src\build.master.xml
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] : = -lib "C:\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildtoolkit;D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\${buildLabel}\\lib;D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\${buildLabel}\\lib\ram" --> = -lib "C:\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildtoolkit;D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\20101126-2335\\lib;D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\20101126-2335\\lib\ram"
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] : = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\${buildLabel} --> = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\20101126-2335
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] : = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\${buildLabel}\\\rapid-modeler\I.RapidModelerBuild\compilelogs --> = D:\jazz-builds\us_US\ips\packs\beta1\modeler\20101126-2335\\\rapid-modeler\I.RapidModelerBuild\compilelogs
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine]
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] Should build occur?
2010-11-26 23:35:34 [Jazz build engine] Yes: Always build a user initiated request.
2010-11-26 23:35:35 [Jazz build engine] Invoking pre-build participant ""
Accepting changes into workspace "SAPPackV7Beta1 Workspace (jbe-modeler-beta1-build)" ...

As far as I can tell, it's not substituting RSAR specific settings. What do you think?



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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Nov 29 '10, 12:10 p.m.
That's correct, it doesn't look like it's applying property substitutions for the RSAR configuration properties. I've asked the RSAR team whether it's a known problem, and either they or I will follow up here.

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Daniel Stefan Haischt (21412322) | answered Nov 30 '10, 6:23 a.m.
That's correct, it doesn't look like it's applying property substitutions for the RSAR configuration properties. I've asked the RSAR team whether it's a known problem, and either they or I will follow up here.

Great! Thanks Nick, appreciated!

I have a few other observations I made while using RSAR together with RTC. Maybe I could share them with the RSAR team too. If appropriate we could as well use an IBM internal communication channel to communicate with the RSAR team.



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