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Need to make certain WI fields "read-only" after c

Nick Norris (11) | asked Nov 02 '10, 6:54 p.m.
I need to make certain work item fields read-only for everyone after creating a WI from a csv import.
I used the RTC rich clients Presentation Editor to set the field to "readonly true". However, that only seems to affect the work item when editing it in the the Eclipse client.
How do I restrict certain WI fields to be read-only on the web as well?

Is there a better way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!

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Sean G Wilbur (87222421) | answered Nov 03 '10, 12:03 a.m.

In 2.x I see the same behavior as you mention in the 2.x version perhaps a new bug is in order here.

In 3.0 via the custom attribute property to mark the field as "read-only", I tried with a few different fields in 3.x and it worked for me for booleans only in both the web and client? Client only for short string, nothing for medium or large html.

I do see some open issues around certain field types though even in 3.x:

Hopefully dev can chime in with what the expected behavior is or where to find that information ?


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