Identifying Changed Components
Hi Everyone,
First of all, I would like to thank you for taking time on my question.
I have a stream with 6 components.
Stream1 -> comp1, comp2, comp3, comp4, comp5 and comp6.
I am using scm commandline for accepting and loading my sandbox.
I am using RTC plugin in my jenkins server and it keeps polling the Stream, whenever a checkin happens on the stream it accepts the changesets and loads the sandbox.
My question here is:
Whenever a code change happens on specific component I am loading all the components in the stream, irrespective of changed component.
Is there anyway that my jenkins can poll particular component in a stream?
If not, is there any scm command to identify only the updated/changed components from a stream due to accepted changesets. So that, I can build only those components.
R Dama