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Test execution schedule based on TER

Annika Kortell (31109) | asked Oct 29 '10, 5:32 a.m.
I have created a Test execution schedule based on TERs.
Saved it. Assigned it to myself.
How do I execute?

Background: I would like to create schedules for manual testers to get a day to day plan what to execute.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Oct 29 '10, 6:17 a.m.
I have created a Test execution schedule based on TERs.
Saved it. Assigned it to myself.
How do I execute?

Background: I would like to create schedules for manual testers to get a day to day plan what to execute.

Hi Annika,

Test execution schedules are executed at a scheduled time or triggered by an event such as a build completion. For more information, see For your use case, I would suggest creating/assigning test execution records.


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