Test Suite Comprehensive Export to PDF does not include the level of detail expected.
When I ran a PDF Export of a Test Suite, I expected to see details on the Test Suite, details for each subordinate Test Case along with the test script steps and their associated Pass/Fail status. What I received was a PDF file containing details on the Test Suite and a list of Test Suite Execution Records. For each Test Suite Execution Record, there is a list of the Test Case results. Is this what I should expect? Is there a way to export a Test Suite and get all the details I wanted?
2 answers
Hi Dawn,
I believe this is how it is, when we export a comprehensive report of test suite then we can see the details of test suite, associated test case, test script associated with a test case and Test Suite Execution Records.
When we export a comprehensive report Test Suite Execution Record then we can see the details of Test Suite Execution Record and each detail of Test suite
Praveen G K
So, it doesn't look like this PDF contains the exact information you are looking for. The PDF Export feature has very limited customization capabilities, and choosing which of the many different relationships you care about to include in your document is just not something it supports.
The individual step results are available in the Test Case Result PDF. I'm not sure whether this would work for you or not, but if you have a test plan with a test case result section that contains the test case results you care about, I believe this comprehensive PDF would contain the individual step results for each test case executed. Of course, that PDF likely contains a lot more information than you are looking for.
Generally speaking, for customized reports we advise users to look into one of QM's reporting solutions like RPE. These options give you full control over what detail your reports contain, but obviously take more work on your part to make them just so. That's the trade-off between using a full-fledged reporting solution and using our out-of-the box PDF Export feature.