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racy retsisa (11) | asked Oct 25 '10, 6:14 a.m.
Hello am a newbie for this site. Can you help me get started with the features for this site.

12 answers

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Jessica Paxton (6) | answered Oct 31 '10, 1:05 p.m.

I'm new here too - again looking for some useful pointers to get started.

Thanks in advance.

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George Zeppelin (6) | answered Nov 06 '10, 2:00 a.m.
I am new here as well. I look forward to getting to learn about jazz and how it all works. Ay help or advise id appreciated, thanx!

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Herb Green (6) | answered Nov 18 '10, 8:09 p.m.
I am also looking for a tutorial about Jazz, so I can use it in my academic research.

I am new here as well. I look forward to getting to learn about jazz and how it all works. Ay help or advise id appreciated, thanx!

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Parker Dunton (4064) | answered Nov 22 '10, 5:00 p.m.

This thread contains some links for people new to Jazz:

Hope this helps,

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tajinder santok singh (6) | answered Nov 28 '10, 4:17 a.m.

This thread contains some links for people new to Jazz:

Hope this helps,

hi.i am new too.thanks for the link

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Russell Smith (11) | answered Nov 29 '10, 1:23 a.m.
Hi Guys, I am new as well and chasing my tail at the moment. I found the Helpful Pointers thread but the following video link is not working. Can somebody sort it out?

- if you want to see Jazz in action without downloading, or get an overview in video-form :roll:

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Brent Barkman (156) | answered Nov 29 '10, 2:54 a.m.
That link was from an old (2008) post and that link is referring to our video library at Hope that helps. The library is a great place to find out all sorts of information about Jazz.

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Russell Smith (11) | answered Dec 05 '10, 11:47 p.m.
Hi Brent , Thanks for the link, Baz :D

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Mary Ridge (6) | answered Mar 05 '11, 11:59 a.m.

I may have missed it but are there any video tutorials anywhere for the downloads?

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Oscar Blog (11) | answered Aug 16 '11, 10:18 p.m.
Hello am a newbie for this site. Can you help me get started with the features for this site.

Hello nice to have you hear. I'm also a newbie but I started using the FAQ's

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