Guidance requested for installing RQM 2.0.1
Please note: I'm only authorized to install 2.0.1 and fix packs so it is what it is.
I'm trying to setup RQM using a Derby DB with tomcat. I'm running into a few challenges and could use a bit of assistance.
The docs state to download an RTC client and when I click on the link I get dropped to main page of RTC but no clarification as to what pieces I need to download. Assistance here would be helpful.
The 2.0.1 distribution has a server directory containing a tomcat distribution and JRE but no JDK that I can see. Do I need the JDK along with the JRE?
I'm trying to setup RQM using a Derby DB with tomcat. I'm running into a few challenges and could use a bit of assistance.
The docs state to download an RTC client and when I click on the link I get dropped to main page of RTC but no clarification as to what pieces I need to download. Assistance here would be helpful.
The 2.0.1 distribution has a server directory containing a tomcat distribution and JRE but no JDK that I can see. Do I need the JDK along with the JRE?
5 answers
The docs state to download an RTC client and when I click on the link I get dropped to main page of RTC but no clarification as to what pieces I need to download. Assistance here would be helpful.
If you are using the current release of Rational Quality Manager 2.0.1 (RQM 2.0.1 iFix04), the corresponding Rational Team Concert version is RTC iFix04. Here is a direct link to the Windows RTC iFix04 Eclipse client: Note that we have seen some problems reported when extracting this ZIP file using the default ZIP utility in Windows. I recommend using a third-party tool like WinZip or 7-Zip.
All that said, the Eclipse client is only needed for a fairly small number of administrative tasks. You can expect to do most of your work with RQM in the web client.
The 2.0.1 distribution has a server directory containing a tomcat distribution and JRE but no JDK that I can see. Do I need the JDK along with the JRE?
I'm not sure that I understand the question. After installing the RQM server (using IBM Installation Manager), just run <RQM>\server\server.startup.bat to start the server. Details here:
Starting and stopping the Rational Quality Manager Jazz Team Server
Or, you can configure the server to run as a Windows Service. Details here:
Running Rational Quality Manager as a Windows service on a 32-bit computer
and here:
Running Rational Quality Manager as a Windows service on a 64-bit computer
I hope that helps.
Patrick Van Zandt
Software Support Engineer
Testing & Quality Management
IBM Rational Client Support - Americas
+1-800-IBM-SERV options 2-2-5
I'm not sure that I understand the question. After installing the RQM server (using IBM Installation Manager), just run <RQM>\server\server.startup.bat to start the server.
I went through the installtion manager processs and installed RQM. I ran reptool to initailize the datatbase and then ran the server.startup.bat.
When I attempt to connect to localhost:9443/jazz/setup it fails with garbage on the screen. Same with localhost:9443/jazz/web/console/QualityManager.
I'm trying to trouble shoot the installation. The server started in 7828ms without errors. The localhost log simply states contextinitalized().
So I was wondering whether I needed the RTC client to initialize the system or did I miss some configuration step?
Any help would be appreciated.