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Finding inactive work items

Tim Feeney (30745745) | asked Aug 02 '10, 7:19 p.m.
Is there a way to query or report on work items that are inactive/stale, that is, a work item that is staying in a particular state past a certain threshold? This could be accomplished by some sort of aging report due, how many days a work item has stayed in a given state.

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David Olsen (5237) | answered Aug 03 '10, 2:24 a.m.
tfeeney wrote:
Is there a way to query or report on work items that are
inactive/stale, that is, a work item that is staying in a particular
state past a certain threshold? This could be accomplished by some
sort of aging report due, how many days a work item has stayed in a
given state.

It is possible to create a query that finds work items that haven't been
modified at all within a certain amount of time. I don't think it is
possible to have a query that finds all work items that have been in a
particular state for a certain amount of time, even if they have been
modified in other ways, but I haven't tried to do that myself.

I have no idea whether or not that is possible with a report rather than
a query.

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