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How to work in windows command line

vishnu vardhan (1142) | asked Jul 13 '10, 8:05 a.m.
pls let me know on how to work in RTC using command line. What are the prerquistic steps. pls elaborate in detail. on wat version of java needs to be installed. I have installed RTC2.0.0.2 version. where should i change the java path and wat are the changes needs to be done in C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\scmtools\eclipse ..pls help

4 answers

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Jul 15 '10, 3:50 a.m.
pls let me know on how to work in RTC using command line. What are the prerquistic steps. pls elaborate in detail. on wat version of java needs to be installed. I have installed RTC2.0.0.2 version. where should i change the java path and wat are the changes needs to be done in C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\scmtools\eclipse ..pls help

lscm.bat should run out of the box as it would be pointing to the correct JRE that is packaged with RTC.
lscm help will show all the commands that are supported and lscm help <command> will show the help for a particular command.

If you are seeing any errors, please post the output.

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vishnu vardhan (1142) | answered Jul 15 '10, 4:56 a.m.
pls let me know on how to work in RTC using command line. What are the prerquistic steps. pls elaborate in detail. on wat version of java needs to be installed. I have installed RTC2.0.0.2 version. where should i change the java path and wat are the changes needs to be done in C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\scmtools\eclipse ..pls help

lscm.bat should run out of the box as it would be pointing to the correct JRE that is packaged with RTC.
lscm help will show all the commands that are supported and lscm help <command> will show the help for a particular command.

If you are seeing any errors, please post the output.

thanks.. if i type sm in command prompt it shows the list of command..but how to run lscm.bat ? iam using it in windows command line.. i cannot able to do any activity..if i c the user guide it asks me to type sh in front of all the command.. pls let me know

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Jul 15 '10, 6:06 a.m.
pls let me know on how to work in RTC using command line. What are the prerquistic steps. pls elaborate in detail. on wat version of java needs to be installed. I have installed RTC2.0.0.2 version. where should i change the java path and wat are the changes needs to be done in C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\scmtools\eclipse ..pls help

lscm.bat should run out of the box as it would be pointing to the correct JRE that is packaged with RTC.
lscm help will show all the commands that are supported and lscm help <command> will show the help for a particular command.

If you are seeing any errors, please post the output.

thanks.. if i type sm in command prompt it shows the list of command..but how to run lscm.bat ? iam using it in windows command line.. i cannot able to do any activity..if i c the user guide it asks me to type sh in front of all the command.. pls let me know

What is the output when you type lscm.bat? lscm is a wrapper for scm.exe and should show help by default. The difference is that it launches a daemon in the background so that subsequent invocations run much faster.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 15 '10, 7:39 a.m.
pls let me know on how to work in RTC using command line. What are the prerquistic steps. pls elaborate in detail. on wat version of java needs to be installed. I have installed RTC2.0.0.2 version. where should i change the java path and wat are the changes needs to be done in C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\scmtools\eclipse ..pls help

lscm.bat should run out of the box as it would be pointing to the correct JRE that is packaged with RTC.
lscm help will show all the commands that are supported and lscm help <command> will show the help for a particular command.

If you are seeing any errors, please post the output.

thanks.. if i type sm in command prompt it shows the list of command..but how to run lscm.bat ? iam using it in windows command line.. i cannot able to do any activity..if i c the user guide it asks me to type sh in front of all the command.. pls let me know

Hi, you can have it in bat files or type directly in a command line. It would look something like this:

scm login -r https://localhost:19443/jazz -u user -P password -n alias
scm create workspace -r alias testworkspace

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