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Test Connection Fail: unable to execute test query on db

Rodrigo Silva (5151) | asked Jul 09 '10, 6:16 p.m.
I'm installing BF v7.1.4 on AIX 5.3. DB2 Enterprise v9.5 also is already installed and configured on the other machine.

I've successfully created a BUILDDB database using the SQL commands on the v7.1.4 install guide.

Stepping through installation manager, I've chosen the following:
-selected database type as DB2
-selected "yes" to populate this database at install time
-identified my database host as 'dbhostname'
-database name is "BUILDDB"
-database schema name "BUILD"
-database username/passwd is correct
-provided the DB2 client library and JDBC driver location

When selecting "Test connection" I receive the error: "unable to execute test query on target database"

Restart the AIX server done after Db2 client is installed and cataloged with the DB2 server. I can successfully log into the build database that we created from the command line with the same id/psswd/port that I put in install set up...

# . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
# db2 connect to builddb user bfuser
Enter current password for bfuser:
Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/AIX64 9.5.4
SQL authorization ID = BFUSER
Local database alias = BUILDDB

Not sure exactly what I'm missing..any ideas? how to get logs?

Thanks in advance,

2 answers

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Jesus Alva (8111) | answered Jul 12 '10, 10:59 a.m.
There is two possible issues that I can see that may be causing the error you are seeing:

1) the BUILD schema is missing in the BUILDDB database. You can verify it exists by connecting to the database and running the following query:

db2 "select schemaname from syscat.schemata"

2) The user does not have sufficient privileges for the given database. You can try to verify this by logging into the database as your BF user (BFUSER) and running the query specified above. If the user has sufficient privileges it should at least be able to query for the schema name from syscat.schemata.

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Rodrigo Silva (5151) | answered Jul 13 '10, 3:53 p.m.
Jesus, Tks! The problem was option 2

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