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RQM database schema

mat zanchi (46173) | asked Jul 08 '10, 5:21 a.m.

does anybody have an RQM database schema inlcuding also not explicit relationships?

I need to know which tables join to extract with a query TestPlans, TestCases,Test Scripts, Results, etc etc



3 answers

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Jul 12 '10, 3:28 p.m.
Hi Matteo,
Direct database access against the RQM DB is neither supported nor recommended. This is due to the data abstraction layer provided by the Jazz Foundation and our lack of explicit schema control. What works now may break in any future major release.
Instead, please investigate the RQM REST API. It should meet your needs and is officially supported:

John Nason
RQM Development


does anybody have an RQM database schema inlcuding also not explicit relationships?

I need to know which tables join to extract with a query TestPlans, TestCases,Test Scripts, Results, etc etc



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mat zanchi (46173) | answered Jul 13 '10, 3:27 a.m.
Hi John,
thanks for your response. What you say is correct but we are suffering for the strong lack of reporting functionalities in RQM (at the moment we are not able to use Cognos Insight).
I have used the RQM API but you should agree that data exported in XML are far from any end user functionality and long custom development is required to complete any end-user report.
We are using with success BIRT for reporting from RTC, but unfortunately it cannot be used against RQM.

Can you advise on how we can design and publish reports within RQM?

Thanks and best regards


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Patrick Van Zandt (1.2k1) | answered Jul 17 '10, 12:03 p.m.
at the moment we are not able to use Cognos Insight

Have you looked into deploying a Rational Common Reporting server? The license is included free with RQM, and it is based on Cognos/Insight technology.

The is your best (only?) option for writing customized reports against RQM data.

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