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RTC Source control Vs ClearCase

Kaushambi Singh (371310379) | asked Jun 23 '10, 3:00 a.m.
RTC Source Control is often compared and taken as replacement of Clearcase tool. In what ways RTC Source control exceeds over Clearcase?

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Sudharsan Gopal (9697) | answered Jun 23 '10, 5:39 a.m.
I presume, you are trying to compare RTC with Base Clearcase.

RTC Source control follows the distributed version control system(local and repo workspaces).

Where in, Clearcase follows the client-server model.

So, when you start using RTC Your local workspace also gets stored in the server.So, even if you lose your local copy, you dont have to worry.

Merging is simpler.

It has in built support for the various process models like scrum, open-up etc.

These are some of the benefits of using RTC source control over clearcase.

RTC Source Control is often compared and taken as replacement of Clearcase tool. In what ways RTC Source control exceeds over Clearcase?

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