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RTC4.0.4 install issue (10 pakages cannot be found)

HI all
we are planning to creating custom report with BIRT and RTC, we need to install a free trial to see how it goes first, but sadly, I got stuck when I was intalling the software.
(Install Jazz Team Server, the trial license keys, and the applications. )
I was going to isntall the latest version in my PC: WINDOWS XP x86 , but exprienced below error, then I reinstall with 4.0.4, same error, can any expert help me here? thanks.
below is the error:
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.jts package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.product-clm package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.rtc package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.rdm package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.rqm package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.jts package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.product-clm package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.rtc package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.rdm package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The com.ibm.team.install.jfs.app.rqm package specified in the C:\RTC\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
Accepted answer

Just wanted to add, as Piotr had mentioned, this could also be a temporary problem with the jazz.net repositories.
Here are the two repositories.
4.0.4 repository:
4.0.5M2 repository:
If you can access them using a web client on the server you are installing on, then it might be a proxy issue.
Installation Manager can be configured to use a proxy under File > Preferences > Internet > HTTP Proxy.
If you don't have access to the links above you will need to download the full IBM Installation Manager Repository for the version you want to install.
This will be under the "IBM Installation Manager Repositories" section of the downloads page.
Full RTC server Repository:
To install using the full Repository download:
1. Unzip the zip file to a location that is accessible to the users that want to install it.
2. Open Installation manager and go to file-> preferences
If you don't have IM installed already you can use the one included with the web installer3. Highlight Repositories and select Add Repository
I don't have a Linux example but it is in the same directory and is probably called install.
4. Put in the path to the location of the directory that contains the repository.config file
Note there may be multiple repository.config files, use the one in the highest level directory.
If you need any clients you will need to do the same thing or you can just download the "plain .zip file" version from the Downloads links above. This will allow you to just unzip the client and use it without having to install it.

Could XP itself be a problem as it is not tested?

Hi Don, I doubt it has to do with XP directly. I have installed on XP frequently in the past.
I can reproduce this error on Windows 7 by putting a non-existent ip address in my hosts file for jazz.net and running launchpad

corporate blocked all ports other than 80, that's why I cannot install by using IM. I download the repos manully, have sucessfully installed it. thanks Karl
2 other answers

Please try again, I think it should work now. If it doesn't please download the repos locally and add them to IM. They can be found on the "all downloads" subpage.