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Rational Team Concert in the cloud

Raymond Tischendorf (1111) | asked Nov 04 '15, 4:12 a.m.
I would like to evaluate Rational Team Concert in the cloud. I have a test environnement but I see only
  • Rational DOORS Next Generation, Requirements Management,
  • Change and Configuration Management,
  • Rational Quality Manager,
  • Rational Design Management, Design Management

It seams that Rational Team Concert is a plug-in for eclipse / visual studio and it is not available in the cloud.

If it is available in the cloud, where can I find information and what will be the price.

Best regards Raymond Tischendorf


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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Nov 04 '15, 1:29 p.m.
Rational Team Concert is the Change and Configuration management application just as Rational Doors Next Generation is the Requirements Management application and Rational Design Management is the Design Management application.

See the infocenter topic, Overview of RTC

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