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Is it possible to list all the changesets generated by a team over a specific period?

Martin McAuley (1721633) | asked Feb 02 '17, 10:42 a.m.

We can see the changesets generated over a period for a particular component or stream via the 'Advanced search' page in the Web UI, but only for a specific user or all users but not for a particular team. We also need to export the results. We are using RTC 5.0.2.

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Feb 07 '17, 1:42 a.m.

As the change set does not record creator's team information, it's not easy to get the change sets list by team area. There's no such built-in search by team area function.

If the function is important to you, you can consider to use Java API to develop your own tool to do the search.

Martin McAuley commented Feb 07 '17, 3:32 a.m.

ok - thanks

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