Running a Test Suite, which scripts have already passed?
I have 1 Test Suite, made up of 2 test cases, made up of 66 test scripts. When I "View" my Test Suite and select Run, it brings up my 2 test cases. Here is what I am struggling with (and apparently should have set something up differently) each of my test cases has a drop down. From the drop down, how do I determine which test scripts have already been executed vs which test scripts have yet to be run? As far as I can tell, this can't be done when you are on the View Test Suite / Run Test Suite window. Should I have associated each test script with its own test case? If this is the case, is it easy to go back now and create a test case for each of my test scripts? Yes, this is very confusing. Any help is greatly appreciated.
2 answers
The table on the Test Cases section of the Test Suite editor shows one row for each of the steps that will be executed as part of the suite. More or less this is one row per script that will be executed, plus any planning information such as environment,plan,milestone....
If you want 66 scripts to run then you need to have 66 rows in this table. Let's say Test Case 1 has 33 scripts and Test Case 2 has 33 scripts. You will need to add Test Case 1 33 times and select each of the rows and hit the edit icon above the table and modify the script of each of the 33 rows. Then do the same for Test Case 2. Then when you run the suite, it will execute the 66 scripts.
As you suggested, if you would have had each script in it's own test case, then you could have simply added all 66 test cases at one time and the single script of each test case would be selected for you by default. Preventing the need for you to change the script for each row in the table.
I'm unaware of an easy way to go back and create 66 test cases for each of the scripts. Maybe someone else can make a suggestion for that.
If you want 66 scripts to run then you need to have 66 rows in this table. Let's say Test Case 1 has 33 scripts and Test Case 2 has 33 scripts. You will need to add Test Case 1 33 times and select each of the rows and hit the edit icon above the table and modify the script of each of the 33 rows. Then do the same for Test Case 2. Then when you run the suite, it will execute the 66 scripts.
As you suggested, if you would have had each script in it's own test case, then you could have simply added all 66 test cases at one time and the single script of each test case would be selected for you by default. Preventing the need for you to change the script for each row in the table.
I'm unaware of an easy way to go back and create 66 test cases for each of the scripts. Maybe someone else can make a suggestion for that.