Does the QTP Adapter have to reside on the same machine where UFT is installed?
2 answers
Hi Jamie,
There are 2 key components to the UFT adapter. One installs on the RQM server itself and the second is VBscript file, scriptRunner.vbs, that runs the actual automation scripts. That is run on the HP UFT server and the VB cannot run on Linux. And everything I am reading in a quick google search states that UFT does not run on Linux. Is that not the case?
There are 2 key components to the UFT adapter. One installs on the RQM server itself and the second is VBscript file, scriptRunner.vbs, that runs the actual automation scripts. That is run on the HP UFT server and the VB cannot run on Linux. And everything I am reading in a quick google search states that UFT does not run on Linux. Is that not the case?
The documentation will still refers to 3 components, the 3rd being the help installation.
- Install the adapter web UI plug-in to the RQM server. This part of the install, extends the RQM server; adding a new adapter type behavior and GUI.
- Install the adapter help topics into the RQM Information Center. This part of the install, adds a help topic for the ensuing parts of the installation.
- Install the adapter on the machine (either physical or virtual), where HP Quick Test Professional is installed. Repeat this step on each machine that you anticipate executing RQM test scripts that require the HP Quick Test Professional adapter type.