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Importing Risk values for Test Case using the Excel Importer

Shane Parkinson (51197) | asked Mar 30 '10, 10:13 p.m.
Does anyboyd know what the configuration mapping would be to import the risk associated with a test case?

The schema has the following reference to risk:

<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" ref="risk"/>

TheXML representation of risk based on the schema though is:


Content: id, riskLevel?, factors?, commnunityAssessment?

so I'm guessing something as simple as the following entry in the import configuration doesn't work:


How would you format the spreadsheet or the configuration file to enable rick to be imported as a generic value?

3 answers

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Michael Amirault (46) | answered Apr 01 '10, 8:52 a.m.
Does anyboyd know what the configuration mapping would be to import the risk associated with a test case?

The schema has the following reference to risk:


TheXML representation of risk based on the schema though is:


Content: id, riskLevel?, factors?, commnunityAssessment?

so I'm guessing something as simple as the following entry in the import configuration doesn't work:


How would you format the spreadsheet or the configuration file to enable rick to be imported as a generic value?


Importing the risk field is currently not supported. There is an open enhancement about it though already filed, 24710.

- Mike

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Shane Parkinson (51197) | answered Apr 07 '10, 8:51 p.m.
Thanks Mike for the update

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Hector Agudo (4622) | answered Jul 06 '10, 5:12 a.m.
Hello World

Anybody know what tables are modificated when we save a requirements in Rational Quality Manager?

Thanks in advance

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